Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-6108


Degrees and Certifications:

M.ED. Curriculum, Instruction, and Online Assessment B.A. Secondary English Education ESL Certified

Ms. Melissa Noel


My name is Melissa Noel, and I am excited to be a part of the Ridge Point High School Panther family. I have been employed by FBISD schools since 2007, and I joined the Ridge Point Panther family in 2011. I have a Master of Education in Curriculum, Instruction, and Online Assessment from Jones International University (Centennial, CO) and a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary English Education from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Getting to know my students and being able to share in their learning experiences is my passion. I believe all students can learn and be successful in life when we work together as a team.

Additional information can be found in our Schoology folder.

Log in via Fort Bend ISD 1 Link using your username (student district email) and password.

Password changes can be completed at my.fortbendisd.com. 

“So if the mind can imagine it, you can achieve it.” ~William Ward


Teacher Schedule

  • Per. 1: Edgenuity O-Lab
    Per. 2: Edgenuity O-Lab 
    Per. 3: Edgenuity O-Lab
    Per. 4: Conference  
    Per. 5: Edgenuity O-Lab 
               C Lunch 
    Per. 6: Edgenuity O-Lab 
    Per. 7: Edgenuity O-Lab  
    Please email me if you have questions, concerns, or comments. 

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

    Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 - 4 pm. and  by appt. as needed  - Room B107