• House Bill 4545 establishes new requirements for accelerated instruction for students who do not pass the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®).  Our FBISD mission is to inspire and equip all students to pursue a future beyond what they can imagine. To achieve this mission, our campus is developing an Accelerated Instruction Plan (AIP) and will provide accelerated instruction for every student who did not meet the passing standard for any STAAR and/or EOC assessment, regardless of whether the student will be retained or promoted. Students and parents received an email if they are required to complete these tutorials.

    Ridge Point High School Tutorial Opportunities

    • Every teacher is required to offer at least 1 hour of tutorials a week. Students are able to attend those teacher tutorials for hours. 
    • Thursday afternoons in classroom K146 from 2:50-4:45p with transportation available home at 5pm. 
    • Saturdays from 8am-noon on the following 2022-2023 dates: 9/24, 10/22, 11/5, 11/12, 12/3, 12/10 (canceled), 1/14 (canceled), 1/28, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4,3/25, 4/15, 4/29, and 5/6. Transportation will not be provided for Saturday tutorial opportunities. Breaks will be built in and lunch will be provided. Students do not need to attend all dates, and it is very important students RSVP for a spot so we can ensure enough tutors are available. Please fill out this signup genius to reserve a spot to the tutorial sessions: http://tinyurl.com/RPHStutorials
    • If you change your decision, please go to the automatically generated email from signupgenius and "edit my sign up". (Subject: Sign Up Confirmation; Sender email: info@signupgenius.com )



    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: How Do I View My Student's STAAR/EOC Scores? 
    A: Information on how to view your child’s scores by going to Skyward Family Access, viewing Online Forms, and clicking on STAAR Access Codes “Student Assessment Results”. You should see a link to
    and an Access Code that is unique to your student. 

    Q: Does my student need to attend all of the tutorial opportunities? 
    A: No, your student should attend the sessions that will best fit your family's schedule.

    Q: Is transportation available for the tutorials? 
    A: Only on Thursday afternoons. We offerred transportation for Saturdays last school year, and very few students took advantage of it.

    Q: If my student passes the EOC, will they still need to attend the tutorials? 
    A: No, the tutorials are designed to prepare students for the EOC. 

    Q: I lost my log, where do I get a new one?
    A: Staff members should be submitting your hours to our shared spreadsheet so your hours are safe. The log is for you to track your own hours, and as a double check. You can download a generic copy here: Tutorial Log Tracker for Student

    Q: When are the next testing dates? 
    A: See below
    Testing Dates