• What will I be able to do in Spanish 4?







         According to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for language other than English or TEKS, students in Level IV are expected to reach a proficiency level of Intermediate Mid to Intermediate High, as defined in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 and the ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners. 


    m Speaking:

    Intermediate Mid speakers tend to function reactively, for example, by responding to direct questions or requests for information. However, they are capable of asking a variety of questions when necessary to obtain simple information to satisfy basic needs, such as directions, prices, and services. When called on to perform functions or handle topics at the Advanced level, they provide some information but have difficulty linking ideas, manipulating time and aspect, and using communicative strategies, such as circumlocution.

    m Reading:

    At the Intermediate Mid sublevel, readers are able to understand short, non-complex texts that convey basic information and deal with basic personal and social topics to which the reader brings personal interest or knowledge, although some misunderstandings may occur. Readers at this level may get some meaning from short connected texts featuring description and narration, dealing with familiar topics.

    o Writing:

    Writers at the Intermediate Mid sublevel are able to meet a number of practical writing needs. They can write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in loosely connected texts about personal preferences, daily routines, common events, and other personal topics. Their writing is framed in present time but may contain references to other time frames. The writing style closely resembles oral discourse. Writers at the Intermediate Mid sublevel show evidence of control of basic sentence structure and verb forms. This writing is best defined as a collection of discrete sentences and/or questions loosely strung together. There is little evidence of deliberate organization. Intermediate Mid writers can be understood readily by natives used to the writing of non-natives. When Intermediate Mid writers attempt Advanced-level writing tasks, the quality and/or quantity of their writing declines and the message may be unclear.

    m Listening:

    At the Intermediate Mid sublevel, listeners are able to understand simple, sentence-length speech, one utterance at a time, in a variety of basic personal and social contexts. Comprehension is most often accurate with highly familiar and predictable topics although a few misunderstandings may occur. Intermediate Mid listeners may get some meaning from oral texts typically understood by Advanced-level listeners.


    inter Interpersonal Speaking: you will be assesed on your ability to participate in an informal conversation. The task is designed for you to demonstrate your ability to speak conversationally in Spanish. You are required to express thoughts & opinions about specific information and formulate questions in a partner exchange. You'll also have to respond simultaneously to questions about you. The information presented does not have to be factual or real to you, but rather appropriate for the presented situation and expressed in away that shows your ability to communicate effectively in Spanish within a given context.

    inter Interpersonal Writing: you'll be assessed on your ability to respond effectively to a given prompt. You will need to respond to an email using appropriate registers of formal communications. Your email should include a greeting and a closing, a response to all the required information in the prompt, and a request for additional information. In the  email, you are also required to make a reference to details presented in the email, express ideas or opinions about the exposed situation, elaborate on information presented, and solicit extra details relevant to the topic.

    p Presentational Speaking: You will be assessed on your ability to create an oral presentation that compares two communities in different cultures. You will be evaluated on your ability to synthesize your ideas, and use relevant sources to support the ideas presented. You can make references to books you have read, or talk about people and events you are familiar with or have studied to provide support in their presentation. You are expected to use transitional phrases to help the presentation flow more smoothly. In this presentation, you are required to compare your community with a cultural product, practice, or perspective of the Spanish- speaking world. You are also expected to explain how the cultural topic relates to your own community and include supporting details, specific examples, and other relevant information to substantiate their explanation. In these circumstances, students have to make sure that there is a clear cultural comparison between their community and the Spanish speaking world, using transitional elements as needed to highlight the similarities and differences

    p Presentational Writing: you need to demonstrate ability to interpret information from multiple sources (audio, text, and visual) and write an argumentative essay. You will need to cite all three (3) sources to support your position. Your essay should reflect your ability to interpret the information presented in the sources, synthesize their ideas, cite these sources to support the ideas presented in your essay, identify main ideas and significant details, and make inferences. 

    interpre Interpretive Reading & Listening: You will be assessed on your ability to understand, interpret, and analyze what you hear, read, or view on a variety of topics related to the thematic units.

    For more information about Spanish Language & Culture AP course, visit: h

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  • Spanish 4 Teacher:

     The Spanish 4 AP Curriculum is comprised of 6 themes as presented in the Spanish & Culture Course & Exam Description:

     SEMESTER 1:

    Theme 1: Families in different societies 

    • Costums & values                  
    • Education Communities
    • Human geography
    • Family Structure
    • Global Citizenship
    • Social networking

    Theme 2: The influence of language & culture on identity

    • Alienation & assimilation       
    • Personal beliefs
    • Heroes & historical figures 
    • Personal interests
    • National & ethnic identities
    • Self-image

    Theme 3: The influence of beauty & arts

    • Architecture
    • Fashion & design
    • Defining beauty
    • Language & literature
    • Defining creativity
    • Visual & Performing arts


    Theme 4: How science & technology affects our lives

    • Access to technology
    • Natural phenomena
    • Health care & medicine
    • Science & ethics
    • Innovation   
    • Effects of technology on self & society

    Theme 5: The factors that impact the quality of life

    • Education & careers
    • Lifestyles
    • Entertainment 
    • Relationships
    • Travel & leisure
    • Social customs & values

    Theme 6: Environmental, political & societal challenges

    • Economic issues
    • Population & demographics
    • Environmental issues
    • Social Welfare
    • Social Conscience 
    • Philosophical thought & religions