• What will I be able to do in Spanish III AAC 






    According to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for language other than English or TEKS, students in Level III AAC are expected to reach a proficiency level of Intermediate Low to Intermediate Mid, as defined in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 and the ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners.

  • Performance Tasks:

    As students acquire the language, they will be able to perform the following tasks:

     m Speaking:

    Speakers at the Intermediate Mid sublevel are able to handle successfully a variety of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social situations. Conversation is generally limited to those predictable and concrete exchanges necessary for survival in the target culture. These include personal information related to self, family, home, daily activities, interests and personal preferences, as well as physical and social needs, such as food, shopping, travel, and lodging. Intermediate Mid speakers tend to function reactively, for example, by responding to direct questions or requests for information. However, they are capable of asking a variety of questions when necessary to obtain simple information to satisfy basic needs, such as directions, prices, and services. When called on to perform functions or handle topics at the Advanced level, they provide some information but have difficulty linking ideas, manipulating time and aspect, and using communicative strategies, such as circumlocution. Intermediate Mid speakers are able to express personal meaning by creating with the language, in part by combining and recombining known elements and conversational input to produce responses typically consisting of sentences and strings of sentences. Their speech may contain pauses, reformulations, and self-corrections as they search for adequate vocabulary and appropriate language forms to express themselves. 

    o Writing:

    Writers at the Intermediate Mid sublevel are able to meet a number of practical writing needs. They can write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in loosely connected texts about personal preferences, daily routines, common events, and other personal topics. Their writing is framed in present time but may contain references to other time frames. The writing style closely resembles oral discourse. Writers at the Intermediate Mid sublevel show evidence of control of basic sentence structure and verb forms. This writing is best defined as a collection of discrete sentences and/or questions loosely strung together. There is little evidence of deliberate organization. Intermediate Mid writers can be understood readily by natives used to the writing of non-natives. When Intermediate Mid writers attempt Advanced-level writing tasks, the quality and/or quantity of their writing declines and the message may be unclear.

    m Listening:

    At the Intermediate Mid sublevel, listeners are able to understand simple, sentence-length speech, one utterance at a time, in a variety of basic personal and social contexts. Comprehension is most often accurate with highly familiar and predictable topics although a few misunderstandings may occur. Intermediate Mid listeners may get some meaning from oral texts typically understood by Advanced-level listeners

    m Reading:

    At the Intermediate Mid sublevel, readers are able to understand short, non-complex texts that convey basic information and deal with basic personal and social topics to which the reader brings personal interest or knowledge, although some misunderstandings may occur. Readers at this level may get some meaning from short connected texts featuring description and narration, dealing with familiar topics.

  • The FBISD Spanish 3  AAC Curriculum is comprised of five units of up to three concepts each:


    Unit 1: The world of work

    • Concept #1: Careers
    • Concept #2: Attitude toward work
    • Concept #3: Employment issues
    • Concept #4: Applying for jobs and other opportunities  

    Unit 2: We all need a home

    • Concept #1: How we live
    • Concept #2: Housing Issues  


    Unit 3: Food & hunger

    • Concept #1: Why we eat what we eat
    • Concept #2: Hunger

    Unit 4: Exploring the environment

    • Concept #1: Natural forces
    • Concept #2: Human Impact on the environment
    • Concept #3: Attitude toward Environmentalism

    Unit 5: Evolution of Technology

    • Concept #1: Technology Past, Present, Future
    • Concept #2: The Use of Technology changes how people interact all over the World

    inter Interpersonal: Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.

    p Presentational: Learners present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers

    interpre Interpretive: Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.