Welcome to Miracle Club!
We are a club devoted to raising hope and awareness for children undergoing treatments at Texas Children's Hospital. We strive to raise funds to donate to the hospital and the families that are undergoing this difficult experience. All of our efforts make a difference.
Won't you join us?
The Miracle Network is a nationwide organization devoted to creating experiences that celebrate the lives of children who enter into the hospitals for short- and long-term care.
To learn more about the Miracle Network, click here.
For a cool video, click here.
Here are the minutes for our meeting on January 22nd.
A. Thank YOU for our chocolate fundraising success!
Our Big Sellers: Riches Dang, Maria Jimenez, Harlin Polanco, Adrienne Li, Conrad Huckabee, Azeem Sohani, and Daniel Lung!
B. Color Run Announcements
- This is happening February 17th (Saturday)
- Time: 9:30-12:30
- Prices: $20 until February 6th (guarantees T-shirt)
$25 at the door (may not get a T-shirt)
$10 for Kids 10 years old or younger
*Register online using RevTrak (Link to be included soon!!!)
* If you run, you get 2 YES hours!
AS A MEMBER, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO RUN or VOLUNTEER. Please sign up soon, as we have a limited number of volunteer spots. If you volunteer, you can purchase a Color Run t-shirt for $10.
- We will also have other activities going on like capture the flag, photo booth, etc.
Please invite your friends! Spread the word!
C. Today's Tasks
1. Computer stuff (1 person)
2. Sponsorship Team (stay in the classroom for a meeting)
3. Everyone else -> Out in the hallway to help finish the posters for the Mall.
Color Run is going to be the talk of the semester!
Come have fun and destresse with this year's Color Run!
October 30th Meeting
1. Log into texaschildrens.org/boo to put your name in and send a funny Halloween card!
2. Chocolate Fundraiser: Nov. 27 - Dec. 11
3. Color Run: Saturday Feb. 17th (in the morning)
4. We cut out strips of paper to paste on the chocolate bars we're selling to help spread the knowledge of Miracle club!
5. Go to this link to hear the Texas Children's Hospital patients play in their Ukelele Band to cheer on the Astros!!!
6. Ice Breaker: Get in groups and find the prompt in common. Example Prompts: Childhood/family and 5; Extra-curricular and 3; Classes/Academics and 4.
*** If you haven't paid dues yet, get them in quick!
We're about to order the shirts and we want you to have one!
ALSO!!! If you're interested in learning how to ask businesses for sponsorship, let us know! We will teach this easy to learn skill soon. ^_^
See you in Two Weeks!
Thank you for being a part of the Dulles Miracle Club!
1. Please fill out the survey on the Remind. The link is tinyurl.com/mcregi18
2 We played a stickynote game where we wrote down a childhood story and shared it. We also shared our stories with others to connect with each other!
-->Dues are due before or on Oct. 16th, our next meeting. $25.00 (Give to Mrs. Nielson and you'll be set!)
*We know it was a little crowded last time-- we will try to secure a bigger space for future meetings!
Dulles High School
Mark Rosenbalm
550 Dulles Avenue
Sugar Land, TX 77478
Phone: 281-634-5600
February 28, 2025
March 10, 2025
March 11, 2025
March 12, 2025
March 13, 2025
March 14, 2025