January 22nd Meeting

Here are the minutes for our meeting on January 22nd.


A. Thank YOU for our chocolate fundraising success!

Our Big Sellers: Riches Dang, Maria Jimenez, Harlin Polanco, Adrienne Li, Conrad Huckabee, Azeem Sohani, and Daniel Lung!



B. Color Run Announcements

- This is happening February 17th (Saturday)

- Time: 9:30-12:30

- Prices: $20 until February 6th (guarantees T-shirt)

            $25 at the door (may not get a T-shirt)

            $10 for Kids 10 years old or younger

*Register online using RevTrak (Link to be included soon!!!)

* If you run, you get 2 YES hours! 

AS A MEMBER, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO RUN or VOLUNTEER. Please sign up soon, as we have a limited number of volunteer spots. If you volunteer, you can purchase a Color Run t-shirt for $10. 

- We will also have other activities going on like capture the flag, photo booth, etc. 

Please invite your friends! Spread the word!


C. Today's Tasks

   1. Computer stuff (1 person)

   2. Sponsorship Team (stay in the classroom for a meeting)

   3. Everyone else -> Out in the hallway to help finish the posters for the Mall. 



Color Run is going to be the talk of the semester!

Come have fun and destresse with this year's Color Run!