Student Council
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How to Join
To become a GENERAL COUNCIL MEMBER for the 2022-2023 School Year
Step 1: Applying- Fill out the interest meeting form here when it becomes available
- Attend the interest meeting (TBD)
- Fill out a 2022-2023 Student Council class representative application when it becomes available
Step 2: the Voting Process
- Voting will take place in mid- August on Voting4Schools. The candidates with the most votes will be accepted (25 per class).
- Election Results will be posted on the Dulles Stu.Co Twitter and Instagram.
Step 3: Be an Active Member!
- Members must not miss more than 3 full council meetings per semester (2 tardies = 1 absence). View the calendar link for our meeting dates.
- Members must obey the signed code of conduct from the application packet.
- Members must obtain at least 50 points for the 1st and 4th term, and 75 points for the second and third term.
- Members must pay dues on-time.
- Members can only travel if they are in good-standing.
To become a CLASS OFFICER for the 2022-2023 School Year
Step 1: Applying
- Fill out a 2022-2023 Student Council Class Officer application HERE.
- Turn in your application to Ms. Kirkpatrick (C212) no later than Monday, April 4th 2022 at 3 PM. Late applications WILL NOT be accepted.
- Select your interview time via the Sign Up Genius HERE (you can also find the link on our social media feeds)
- To run for class officer, understand that you must CURRENTLY BE A STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING
Step 2: the Election Process
- Your election into office will be based on your interview and on your contribution thus far to Student Council.
- Results will be posted on the Dulles Stu.Co Twitter and Instagram.
To become a STUDENT BODY OFFICER (EXEC) for the 2022-2023 School Year
Step 1: Applying
- Fill out a 2022-2023 Student Council Executive Officer application HERE.
- Turn in your application to Ms. Kirkpatrick (C212) no later than Monday, April 4th 2022 at 3 PM. Late applications WILL NOT be accepted.
- Select your interview time via the Sign Up Genius HERE (you can also find the link on our social media feeds)
- To run for Exec, understand that you must CURRENTLY BE A STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING
Step 2: the Election Process
- Your election into office will be based on your interview and on your contribution thus far to Student Council.
- Results will be posted on the Dulles Stu.Co Twitter and Instagram.