• Extra 2023-2024 yearbooks are $74, first come, first served on RevTrak:  GBHS RevTrak Yearbook Webstore

    If you purchase a yearbook on RevTrak, you will receive a confirmation email when your book will be available to pick up in the front office or the yearbook classroom.


    Pre-ordered yearbooks are available for graduates in the front office.  If you pre-ordered a yearbook, please check the email associated with your purchase for more information.

    Pre-ordered yearbooks for returning students are available in the yearbook classroom.  If you pre-ordered a yearbook, please check the email associated with your purchase for more information.


    "The Legacy" is the award-winning, student-produced yearbook of George Bush High School.  The Yearbook Staff is comprised of students enrolled in Yearbook I, II, III, and Independent Studies classes.  All Yearbook Staff members meet together every other Monday after school.  Of course, Yearbook Staff members are active after school many days of the week; they are frequently at school events to take photos and conduct interviews.