Enrolling your student in school can be somewhat challenging. You have to complete the Online Registration, provide a number of documents and then complete more forms when you get here. We assure you we will step you through this process as quickly and painlessly as possible and ensure your first impressions of George Bush High School are positive.We want you and your family to have a great experience at George Bush!On our website we have included information about:. enrolling and withdrawing your student. requesting transcripts. graduation. requesting Verification of Enrollment (VOE's) for driver's licenses. requesting other documentationPlease click on any subject in the list to the left for more information.We ask that you please allow 2 days for us to prepare any documentation you may require.Please let us know if there is anything else you would like to see on the Registrar web page.CONTACT US at BHSRegistrar@fortbendisd.com.
Contact Information
Danielle Dean
Phone: (281) 634-6194
Fax: (281) 327-6194
danielle.dean@fortbendisd.govAssistant Registrar
Latoya Adams
Phone: (281) 634-6082
Fax: (281) 327-6082