Teacher Information

Degrees and Certifications:
Principal Certificate EC-12 Master Reading Teacher Certificate EC-12 Reading Specialist Certificate EC-12 ELA/GT/ESL Certificate EC-12 M.ED. Educational Administration and Supervision/Curriculum and Instruction MPA- Master of Public Administration B.A English/German
Mrs. Kennie Oyefusi
Hello, I am Mrs. Kennie Oyefusi.
I will be teaching Dual Credit English and English IV at Bush HS this school year. This is my second year as a Bronco, but my tenth year at Fort Bend ISD and 35th year in the teaching profession. I am excited about being a part of the Bush HS family and contributing to the empowerment of our Broncos as they strive for their dreams.
I love working to actualize the profile of a graduate in our students; preparing them to become vibrant, articulate and productive members of society, equipped with social skills and inquiring mindsets that will ensure their future success in life.
A certified administrator, Master Reading Teacher and Reading Specialist, my passion is to empower and encourage our students to dare to dream, to push limits, to be all they can be, and more.
Thank you for partnering with me. Your student's success is our goal. Go Broncos!
One Team! One Goal! No Limits!
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: Conference
Period 2: Dual Credit English
Period 3: Dual Credit English
Period 4: Dual Credit English
Period 5: English IV
Period 6: English IV
Period 7: English IV
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tutorials: Tuesday and Thursday 2:50 PM -3:35 PM
Please email me to book an appointment. Thank you.