

Degrees and Certifications:

Math 4-8 Math 7-12 ESL Certificate

Mr. Cuong Dinh


My name is Cuong Dinh, I have joined RPHS as math teacher since 2021. It is my pleasure to be a part of rigorous and caring team of educators such as Ridge Point and I will continue to reflect and grow as a teacher and a person everyday so that I can be the model that my students can look up to whether it's academic or social related. 

My email is, and I'm located at room #D125

My conference is during 2nd period.

After school tutorial times: 2:50 - 3:50 pm Tuesday-Wednesday. Morning tutorial and Friday tutorial is appointments only.

I will send out messages to students as far as HW reminders or test/quiz reminders or any announcements through Schoology and that will be my main communication to students in addition to verbal reminders in class. Please feel free to send me emails if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.


  • Per 1: Algebra 2 AAC

    Per 2: Conference

    Per 3: Algebra 2 AAC

    Per 4: Algebra 2 

    Per 5: Algebra 2 

    Per 6: Algebra 2 

    Per 7: Algebra 2 


  • Tutorial time: 2:50 - 3:50 pm Tuesday-Wednesday

    Morning tutorial: appointment only

    Friday tutorial: appointment only