Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-9169


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts

Mrs. Rachel Looney Heath

Hello, my name is Rachel Looney Heath and I am teaching AAC Biology here at Ridge Point High School this year.  I graduated from Dulles High School, go Vikes!, and went on to get a degree from The University of Texas at Austin, Hook 'Em Horns!  I started my teaching career in FBISD  in 2008 and I came to Ridge Point in 2014.  During this time I have taught Pre-AP Biology/AAC Biology, On-Level Biology, and AP Biology.  I am looking forward to having an amazing year this year with your students!

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: AAC Biology
    Period 2: AAC Biology
    Period 3: Conference
    Period 4: AAC Biology 
    Period 5: AAC Biology 
    Period 6: AAC Biology 
    Period 7: AAC Biology 

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorial 1: Thursday 2:50-3:20 p.m.
    Tutorial 2: Friday 7:00 - 7:20