

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Nuclear Engineering University of Wisconsin, Madison 7-12 Mathematics Standard Certification

Ms. Julia Mann

I am originally from Oklahoma and a faithful Sooners fan, but Texas has been my home since 2009. Watching sports with my family is one of my favorite things to do in my free time. I love everything about Houston, but especially the people and the incredible variety of food.


This is my sixth year at Ridge Point and fourteenth year overall teaching Algebra. I am passionate about math education and instilling a love of learning in all students. My hope for this year is that all my students experience growth and feel proud of their accomplishments.


  • Schedule:

    Period 1: Algebra II AAC

    Period 2: Conference

    Period 3: Algebra II AAC

    Period 4: Algebra II AAC

    Period 5: Algebra II AAC

    Period 6: Algebra II AAC

    Period 7: Algebra II AAC

  • Tutorials: Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:55-3:25