Teacher Information



Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors in Chemistry Masters in Chemistry

Mr. Brian Ezeh

I would like to welcome you to Advanced Chemistry.  This  is a subject I am excited about teaching and I am confident that you will enjoy learning about Chemistry this year! This course is designed to prepare you for entry into a college level Chemistry.  My goal in working with you is to continue your scientific education and to teach you new ways of problem solving. Some of our class activities and projects extend beyond the classroom requiring you to collect data at home or in your communities.  I welcome your questions and comments and look forward to a great year together in Chemistry.

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Chemistry AAC
    Period 2: Chemistry AAC
    Period 3: Chemistry AAC
    Period 4: Chemistry AAC
    Period 5: Basketball
    Period 6: Chemistry AAC 
    Period 7: Conference

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Until The Basketball Season is Over
    Tutorial 1: Tuesday 6:50-7:25
    Tutorial 2: :  Thursday  6:50-7:25 am
    Tutorial 3:  By appointment