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Dear Travis Family:
Travis High School prides itself on having an overall educational curriculum that rivals any school. However, maintaining this standard of excellence requires financial resources beyond the amount received from the district.
Previous fundraising events relied primarily on food sales at lunch. Due to Nutrition rules, we must supplement this program through what we call the Tiger Fundraiser. This fundraising program allows each family to donate money directly to the Travis High School PTO through a tax deductible¹ contribution. One hundred percent of your donation goes directly to fund classroom and school enhancements. No other fund-raising program offers this! Working with THS administration and teachers, your generous donations provides and funds programs and services for students and teachers.
Using funds that were raised last year the PTO was able to provide the following:
- Monetary Contributions to the Activity Fund – providing classroom supplies not funded by the district
- Teacher Luncheons – hosting two teacher appreciation luncheons, one in the Fall, one in the Spring
- Senior Breakfast – hosting this event to celebrate all graduating Seniors
- E.S. – supporting the Youth Expanding Services program
This year, we would like to use a portion of this funding to make some much needed enhancements to THS by painting walls with school colors, updating the marquee, as well as other beautification projects across the campus.
We greatly appreciate any size donation, and we are striving for 100% participation from our THS families this year!
Please see the Tiger Fundraiser Form for more information. This fundraiser will run from August 8, 2019 through September 6, 2019. You may send Cash or Check (made out to Travis PTO) to the Front Office or you may choose to donate online with a credit card, debit card or PayPal account. To donate online, use the link specified on the Tiger Fundraiser Form or login in to your Paypal account and use TravisHSPTO@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support. We are looking forward to another fantastic year at THS and want you to be a part of it! Any questions, please contact us at TravisHSPTO@gmail.com.