Teacher Information

Phone: 281-632-3720


Degrees and Certifications:

BBA Marketing Texas A&M Corpus Christi Texas Realtor License Certifications in Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Ms. Nowlin

It's blessed to teach business classes at Travis High School. I love teaching students and helping them gain a vision of the world that happens around them every day. I bring real world experiences to the classroom and always encourage entrepreneurship. The courses I teach enhance the students' knowledge and lead them to higher education or employment. I am excited about leading students to a future beyond their imagination. 

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Business Law
    Period 2: BIM 
    Period 3: Accounting
    Period 4: Conference 
    Period 5: BIM
    Period 6: Accounting
    Period 7: Business Law

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tuesday and Thursday 2:45PM-3:45PM