Degrees and Certifications:
BA Major English/Minor Education ELA 8-12 Cert. ESL Cert.
Jorge Gomez
Hello, my name is Jorge Gomez and I am a 10th grade ELA AAC teacher along with Debate at Travis High School. I graduated from the University of Houston with a major in English and a minor in Education. I graduated and student taught at Dulles High School. I am so excited for my eighth year at Travis High School. I look forward to preparing my students for AP work and of course, giving skills that are transferable to the real world. I want my students to learn to effectively communicate and express creative ideas.
Some things about me-
Happily married in November of 2023! My hobbies are gaming and music. I've played guitar most of my life. I am indeed the sponsor of Guitar Club. I love fantasy, sci-fi, action-adventure, a good comedy, super-hero stuff, many genres of movies, shows, and books. Going to the gym is a necessity for me! I lost 50 pounds since 2018 and I am always looking for self-improvement.
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: English II AAC
Period 2: English II AAC
Period 3: English II AAC
Period 4B: English II AAC
Period 5: English II AAC
Period 6: PLC
Period 7: Debate I and II
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tuesdays/ Thursdays 6:40-7:20am
(or else by appointment)