Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-7229


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Stephen F. Austin State University 7-12 Math Certified

Mr. Lodini

This is my tenth year as a math educator. My passion in life is sharing my love of math and science with all students. I hope for all of my students to leave my class with the thought that they can be successful and productive members of society, and my goal is to equip them with with the tools to do so. I want all of my students to learn to follow their dreams and conquer any obstacle that gets in their way.



Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Geometry AAC
    Period 2: Conference
    Period 3: Algebraic Reasoning
    Period 4: Algebraic Reasoning
    Period 5: Geometry AAC
    Period 6: Geometry AAC
    Period 7: Geometry AAC

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Monday- 2:55-3:25

    Wednesday- 6:50-7:20