Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-7906


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in History Physical Education Grades (EC-12) Social Studies Grades (7-12) CDL Certified

Mrs. Katie Welch

Hi everyone and welcome to P.E. and Health! Outside of the classroom I am the Head Varsity Softball Coach. This is my 9th year teaching and I am excited to be at Travis. I am a graduate of Austin High School here in Fort Bend and went to Sam Houston State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in History and minor in Secondary Education. I enjoy being outdoors, hanging out with my husband and our 2 dogs, and spending time with family. I look forward to a great year!

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Conference
    Period 2: PE
    Period 3: PE
    Period 4: PE
    Period 5: Health
    Period 6: PE
    Period 7: Softball

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorial 1: Wednesday 7:00-7:30
    Tutorial 2:
    Tutorial 3:
    Tutorial 4: