Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-7528
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor's Degree in Education Certifications: Physical Education, Health, Biology and GT.
Mrs. Dana Anderson
Welcome to my Freshmen Biology class. I would first like to tell you a little about me and then how I like to run my class.
I am from Snyder, a west Texas town near the panhandle. I went to Texas Tech University on a full Volleyball scholarship and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education with Teacher’s certification in Physical Education, Health, and Biology. This is my 39th year of teaching and I am a THS “Original” meaning I helped open Travis in 2006. In 2015-16, I was selected Teacher of the year at Travis.
I am married with two daughters, Chelsey and Brittney, both graduated from Travis High School and Texas A&M. I also have 8 grandchildren under the age of 7!!!
I love teaching freshmen biology and try to make my class fun and exciting. I know that Middle school is very different from High school and it can get very overwhelming. I like to tell my students and parents that I will have my arm around them, guiding them and try to prevent them from stumbling or falling the first nine weeks. The second nine weeks I will only hold their hand but they may stumble, they will not fall. The third nine weeks I will not hold their hand and will allow them to stumble and fall but I will be there to help them up. Finally, by the fourth nine weeks, I will no longer be beside them because they will be running well ahead of me because they are ready to become sophomores..
I encourage my students to email me themselves and to take responsibility for their own actions. My main expectation in my class is RESPECT. Towards me, towards all my students, for my room and my supplies.
You may contact me if you have any questions. My email is dana.anderson@fortbendisd.govPhone: 281-634-7528
You may also join my Band for more communication. Instuctions will be in Schoology.
Dana Anderson
AAC Biology
Travis High School
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: Biology AACPeriod 2: Biology AACPeriod 3: Biology AACPeriod 4: Biology AACPeriod 5: ConferencePeriod 6: Biology AACPeriod 7: Biology AAC
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tuesday 6:50-7:20Thursday 6:50-7:20Any other day or time by appointment only.