Teacher Information

Phone: (281)634-7079


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. Business and Political Science and Masters in Secondary Education Sponsor: National Beta Club

Ms. Stacey Hisaka

Hello!  My name is Ms. Hisaka and welcome!  This will be my 29th year of teaching.  I am one of the original teachers here and have enjoyed myself every year since.  I attended Rice University while playing basketball for them for 4 years.  I received my master’s degree from the University of Houston in secondary education.

This year I will be teaching AP Psychology and on-Level Psychology. I am looking forward to a great year with you!






Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Research Methods/AP Psychology
    Period 2: Research Methods/AP Psychology
    Period 3: Research Methods/AP Psychology
    Period 4: Conference  
    Period 5: Research Methods/AP Psychology
    Period 6: Research Methods/AP Psychology
    Period 7: Psychology/Psychology

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials 1: Monday & Tuesday_2:50pm-3:15pm
    Tutorials 2:  Wednesday & Thursday_7:00am-7:20am