

Degrees and Certifications:

BS - Criminal Justice with a Forensic Specialty MS - Forensic Psychology

Ms. Tiffany Garcia

Hi there! I am Ms. Garcia and I will be your Forensic Science Teacher! I am a graduate from Arizona State University (Go Sun Devils!!!). I am also an Assistant Cheer Coach! I have always had a passion for Forensics and Criminology. Teaching Forensic Science has always been a dream of mine! I am so excited to be your teacher and I can't wait to have a great year! Let's go T-RAV!!! 

  • Schedule:

    1st Period - Conference

    2nd Period - Forensic Science 

    3rd Period - Forensic Science 

    4th Period - Forensic Science 

    5th Period - Forensic Science 

    6th Period - Forensic Science 

    7th Period - Forensic Science

  • Tutorials: 

    Tutorials are available upon request. 

    Contact me via Schoology or email.