Teacher Information

Phone: 281-327-0189


Degrees and Certifications:

M.S. Counseling B.A. Music Certifications: School Counselor ESL 4-8 English Language Arts EC-12 Special Education EC-4 Generalist

Ms. Kristina Kidwell

I am Case Manager and Inclusion Teacher for English 1 & 2 classes.

I graduated from Sam Houston State University with a BA in Music in 1996, and Austin Peay State University in 2002 with an MS in Counseling. My two children are college students at Sam Houston State and University of North Texas. 


YES Program Sponsor

All YES Documents can be found on the Google Drive (link below)

YES Forms


Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Inclusion- English 2/Hartley
    Period 2: Inclusion- English 1/Sluder   
    Period 3: Inclusion- English 1/Gonzalez
    Period 4: Conference
    Period 5: PLC
    Period 6: Inclusion- English 1/Sluder
    Period 7: Inclusion-English 2/Hartley

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials (Mornings) Please see me for a tutorial pass
    Tutorial 1: Wednesday 7:00-7:25
    Tutorial 2: Thursday 7:00-7:25
    Conference/Tutorial Pass Request Form: