Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-0662


Degrees and Certifications:

M.A. Philosophy B.A. Philosophy

David Gutridge

I was born in Indianapolis and raised sixty miles north in Lafayette, IN. After high school, I attended Purdue University where I majored in philosophy. In 2009, I received my Master’s Degree – also in philosophy – from the University of Houston. After grad school, I became a substitute teacher in the Special Education program at Travis HS. Luckily for me, I was hired as a full-time teacher at THS in 2011 where I continue to enjoy teaching each and every day!

Some of my interests:




video games

Teacher Schedule

  • Classroom: E112
    Period 1: Adult Transition Services (ATS) (7:30-8:20)
    Period 2: Conference (8:25-9:15)
    Period 3: ATS (9:20-10:10)
    Period 4: ATS (10:40-11:30)
    Period 5: ATS (11:35-12:55)
    Period 6: ATS (1:00-1:50)
    Period 7: ATS (1:55-2:45)

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials: daily before and after school, or by appointment