• Online + Distance Learning


  • Online/Distance learning is the use of technology to overcome time, distance, and other barriers to address the needs of students and educators. Approved online providers in FBISD include Texas Tech University (TTU), University of Texas (UT), and the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN). Students may also enroll in FBISD’s online learning program (Edgenuity).

    Students must see their counselor for an online/distance learning application PRIOR to signing up for an online course. If students do not receive approval from their counselor, AHS will NOT accept their credit.


    • Students may not take an online course which requires an End of Course (EOC) exam. EOC courses include Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, and U.S. History.
    • A student may earn a maximum of two (2) high school credits through online/distance learning for original credit.
    • This limitation does not apply to distance learning courses offered on campus (Edgenuity). This limitation also does not apply for courses taken for credit recovery.
    • A student may be enrolled in only one online/distance learning course at a time unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by the campus principal and/or designee.
    • All prerequisite and grade level requirements apply.
    • Edgenuity is not NCAA-approved.