STAAR EOC Information

  • Locating Student Unique Access Code

    Parents/Guardians: To find your child's Unique Student Access Code, follow these steps:

    1. Log into Skyward Family Access.
    2. Click "Online Forms" tab, on the left-hand side.
    3. You will see that an online form, "Student Assessment Results", is available to fill out.
    4. Click on "Fill Out Online Form" for the Student Assessment Results.
    5. On the new screen, click on "1. Student Assessment Access Code", on the right-hand side.
    6. You will see your child's unique access code, as well as a link to the Texas Student Portal.
    7. Click the link to the Texas Student Portal
    8. Use the access code (as well as your child's date-of-birth) to access results.

    Locating EOC Scores Online

    Students: You are now able to view your STAAR/EOC scores online in the Texas Assessment Student Portal.

    1. Go to Texas Assessment
    2. Enter your unique Student Access Code, date of birth, and your legal first name.
      • If you don't know your access code, follow the steps outlined above, under "Locating Student Unique Access Code"
    3. Click "Sign On" and a list of your STAAR/EOC tests will come up by year.
      • Student performance level will be listed in the middle column (Passing = "Approaches Grade Level")
      • To find results from a different year, use the drop-down menu at the top of the screen
    4. Note: In the upper-right, there is a "Guide" button with detailed guidance of where to find information on pages and what is included in each area/tab
    5. Click on the title of the test to find more information/details. Some details are:
      • your scale score (and how it compares to the state, district, and campus)
      • your performance level (using your scale score)
      • your lexile score (reading level)
    6. Click "View Detailed Report" (far-right) to find additional information which may include:
      • overall, category results, test questions, responses (your answers), progress, lexile/quantile trend, and resources (planning for college and career)
    7. Click "Home" in upper-right to get back to the list of tests


  • 2024-5 School Year
    (updated 9.18.2024)

    English I EOC: April 8
    English II EOC: April 10
    US History EOC: April 15
    Biology EOC: April 17
    Algebra I EOC: April 23