Teacher Information
Phone: 281.634.2066
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Music Education Master of Music Education Principal Certification
Mrs. Linda Holkup
Linda Holkup has taught choral music in Texas for the past twenty-eight years. Before becoming the head choral director at Stephen F. Austin High School in the fall of 2021, Mrs. Holkup was the head choral director at Dulles Middle School in Sugar Land. Before moving to Fort Bend ISD, Mrs. Holkup taught at Mission Junior High in Mission, Texas, Stell Middle School in Brownsville, Texas, and Veterans Memorial Early College High School in Brownsville. Her choirs earn consistent UIL Sweepstakes and are successful at TMEA auditions. An active clinician and adjudicator, she presently is serving TMEA as the Region 13 Vocal Chair. Mrs. Holkup has served as TMEA Mentoring Network Area Chair, Region HS Vocal Chair, Region HS Secretary, and MS Vocal Coordinator in Regions 28, 15, and Region 13 and served on various TMEA and TCDA committees. Mrs. Holkup is listed in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers and the National Honor Roll of Outstanding American Teachers. She holds BME and MM degrees from the University of Texas at Pan American. She recently received her Principal's Certification from Lamar University in the Spring of 2021.
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: Treble ChoirPeriod 2: Advanced Treble ChoirPeriod 3: Tenor-Bass ChoirPeriod 4: ChoralePeriod 5: Lunch/ConferencePeriod 6: Travel to Middle SchoolsPeriod 7: Middle SchoolsPeriod 8: Middle Schools
Tutorial Schedule
Tutorial 1: 7:00–7:30 AM Tuesday-ThursdayTutorial 2: After-school times are available by AppointmentTutorial 3:Tutorial 4: