With the high volume of traffic around AHS, it is important to highlight the procedures for dropping off and picking up students. For the convenience of all and especially for the safety of our students, we are asking ALL parents to familiarize themselves with our guidelines.
ARRIVAL: The circle drive entrance is the primary drop-off and pick-up point for students who do not drive themselves or ride the bus.
- Circle Drive (front of school): The parent drop-off lane is a drive-through, drop-off and pick-up lane only (no parking or idling).
- The parking lot at the center of the circle drive is intended for staff parking only. Additionally, as parking in this lot is limited, please refrain from dropping off or sitting for extended times in visitor parking.
- Please follow staff directions and pull as far forward as possible before stopping. Please avoid leaving large gaps between your car and the car in front of you when you stop to drop your student(s) off.
- When dropping off, please have your student prepared to leave the vehicle on the right side as quickly and safely as possible. Do not idle your car in this lane. Preparation and last-minute guidance should be given at home or on the way to school, not the drop-off lane.
- Bus Lot (closest to Pheasant Creek): Students may be dropped off in the bus lot ONLY after 7:15 am. Please, in the interest of the safety of our faculty, staff, bus drivers and students, stay in a single-file line when dropping off on the bus ramp.
- Faculty parking lot: This lot is for faculty parking only. Students are NOT to be dropped off or picked up from this lot during arrival or dismissal.
- Make certain that anyone who drops off or picks up your student understands the rules and expectations.
- Make plans to leave early on rainy or foggy days. Plan on traffic being more congested on these days.
- Please be patient and courteous at all times!
DISMISSAL: The circle drive and student parking lot are the only pick-up points for students who do not drive themselves or ride the bus.
- Please refrain from parking in the staff/visitor lot in the middle of the front circle. We do have visitors at the end of the school day who need to park and enter the building for appointments, music lessons, meetings, and trainings. Please leave these spaces for them.
- Please be mindful that we do try to control student foot traffic as they are leaving the building; however, students may be coming through the driveway and parking lot from multiple directions. Please be vigilant! Asking your student to violate these guidelines puts them and others at risk of injury (i.e. asking them to walk across the parking lot and/or get picked up on FM 1464).
A few final points:
- Our doors open at 6:45 am. Be an early bird; get to school on time by carpooling with a friend.
- It is AGAINST STATE LAW to use a cell phone in a school zone. THIS INCLUDES our drop-off lane!! Thank you for abiding by this law.
- Please do not drop off or pick up while on FM 1464! It is TOO dangerous and it slows the flow of traffic.
We, the faculty of AHS, need your help to create a safe environment for all students. Consider it a small investment of time for the safety of all our children.