Phone: 281-634-2000


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's of Arts in English Literature Master's of Information Science Certification: English 7-12 ESL

Ms. Isabel Flores

Hi! My name is Isabel Flores, and I'm your student's English 2 or Reading Teaching.

A little about me: I'm originally from New York, but most of my family lives in Texas. I've been visiting Houston my whole life. I have a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature from SUNY Geneseo and a Master's in Information Science. Both degrees have allowed me to spread my interest in reading and writing to others, in the classroom, library, or anywhere else possible.

I'm also the advisor of the Technology Student Association and the Key Club.


Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Email is the best way to reach me. 


  • Schoology for Parents

Teacher Schedule

  • 1st- English II

    2nd- Reading I and II

    3rd- Conference

    4th- English II

    5th- English II 

    6th- English II

    7th- English II

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Tutorials:

    Monday 2:50-3:35

    Thursday 2:50- 3:35

    *or by appointment