

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jennifer Thigpen


I am Mrs. Thigpen.

I am a graduate of Grand Valley State University, MI, where I majored in Psychology with a minor in Sociology and obtained a Bachelor’s of Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree.

I have three young children and 6 four-legged friends. I have been working in education with Fort Bend ISD since 2021and I have been at Austin since 2023.

I am excited to be your students’ teacher for the 2024-2025 school year here at Steven F. Austin High School.



  • Schoology for Parents

Teacher Schedule

  • Conference Hour:  M, W, F 2:00pm-2:50pm


    Class Phone: (281) 329-2232 Please request a conference

    24 hours in advance. Thank you!

    You can also communicate with me through Schoology.

Tutorial Schedule

  • I hold Tutorials after school every Wednesday from 2:50 PM-3:20 PM. Click on the link below to sign up.