Phone: (281) 329-2703


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Kimberly Leon

My name is Kimberly Leon and I teach American Sign Language I and II.

I grew up in Virginia and graduated from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. I have been living in Texas for around 25 years in North Houston and/or the Austin area. I have a diverse background in Airline Management, Non-Profit Leadership and Deaf-Education. I recently relocated to Fort Bend from the Austin area, working in Deaf-Education with deaf and hard of hearing children.

My passion and reason for teaching and spreading the love of American Sign Language is my daughter! I have an amazing daughter, turning 17 this year, who was born deaf. There is no history of deafness in our family, so it was all brand new. Early on, I ended my career in Airline Management and devoted my attention towards my daughter and learning sign language. I began teaching family members, acquaintances, then sought out additional support from a non-profit, Texas Hands & Voices. I later became the president of TX Hands & Voices (, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting families and their children who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as the professionals who serve them.

Honestly, teaching your children to love, learn and appreciate sign language is equally beneficial. The more people who know sign language, the more the communication gap closes for those who have no control. Hearing people can learn to sign, but deaf people cannot learn to hear! The knowledge of sign language is beneficial in ANY profession and there are numbers suggesting that American Sign Language (ASL) and/or a 'Signed Language' is the 3rd most commonly used language in the United States.

This is not an EASY language; it takes effort, personality and commitment. I am excited about starting this school year at Austin High School and look forward to working with everyone. 

Let's have a fun and fulfilling school year!

  • Teacher Schedule
    Period 1: ASL II
    Period 2: ASL II
    Period 3: ASL II
    Period 4: Conference
    Period 5: ASL I
    Period 6: ASL I
    Period 7: ASL I

  • Tutorials
    Wednesdays 3:00p - 4:00p
    **If you can not attend during the scheduled times, please make an appointment