Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA)

  • The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requires students to be assessed in English Language Arts & Reading (ELAR) and Mathematics prior to enrolling at a Texas public college or university. The exam is called the TSIA2.

    Who has to take the TSIA2? Any student who is not considered TSIA2 exempt and who is planning on enrolling in college level courses at a Texas public college or university. The TSIA2 is not required at private universities or out of state colleges. 

    How do I exempt from the TSIA2? There are many ways to exempt from the TSIA2:

      • SAT: 480+ EBRW and 530+ in Math
      • ACT: 40+ in English and 22+ in Math
      • Is a veteran or in active duty
      • Enrolled in a Level One certificate program at a public institution

    Where do I take this test? Fort Bend ISD offers the exam for free at each high school campus. RPHS will offer the exam multiple times during the regular school year and once after graduation.

    How much does it cost? If taken through FBISD, the exam is free. If taken at the college you plan to attend, the exam cost varies between $29 and $50.

    What happens if I do not meet the minimum standards? Students who do not meet college level readiness scores on the TSIA2 be able to retest or will be required to take non-credit bearing courses before the student is able to enroll in a credit bearing course. For example, if a student did not meet the minimum score required on the TSIA2 on the ELAR section, the student would be required to co-enroll in a pre-college level English and English 1301. The pre-college level English course costs the same as the college level course, but the student does not earn college credit.

    How many sections are there on the TSIA2? There are two sections on the TSIA2. There is an ELAR section and a math section. There are two sections within the ELAR exam, there is a multiple choice section and there is an essay section. There is only a multiple choice section on the math exam.

    If a student does not meet college level readiness on the multiple choice section, the student will move into a diagnostic section. If the student does well enough on the diagnostic section the student can be considered college level ready.

    TSIA2 College Level Readiness Scores

    ELAR (MC & Essay): 945+ AND Essay 5; OR 910-944, Diag 5-6 AND Essay 5-8

    Math: 950+; OR 910-949 AND Diag 6

    How do I study for the TSIA2?

      • There is a free student app on the Accuplacer Website
      • Students can use link their College Board and Khan Academy account together and use the Official SAT Practice Program to help prepare for the TSIA2
      • If you have already taken the TSIA2 once, use the Learning Locator Code on your TSIA2 score report. Enter the Learner Location Code on the TSIA2 Learning Resources page 
      • Use your FBISD username and password for free practice tests using EBSCO LearningExpress
        • Instructions on how to sign up are available via text and video [new video coming soon]

    How do I let my college know I have taken the TSIA2?

      • It is the student's responsibility to notify the college that she/he has taken the TSI Assessment
      • AHS is not allowed to send TSI scores to colleges on the student's behalf
      • Students can send scores to colleges through the Accuplacer Student Portal. Click on Your Accuplacer Scores Report and follow the instructions to view your scores. Once you can see your scores, you will be able to select up to three (3) colleges to send your score to. If you want to send your scores to more than three (3) colleges, just repeat the steps to see your scores.
      • If a college is not listed, contact the college's testing center to inquire about how to have your scores pulled from the Accuplacer Cross Institutional Reporting Form.
        • HCC is not on the list of colleges in Accuplacer. To send your TSIA2 scores to HCC click on the link below and follow the instructions.
          • HCC TSI Assessment Page
          • Click on +TSI Assessment Score Retrieval Request
          • Click on the HCC campus you will be taking most of your classes through
          • Complete the form

Contact Info

  • For TSIA, the point of contact is our College and Career Readiness Advisor.

    Kristin Richter
    College and Career Readiness Advisor
    Appointment Request Form

    Location: H1 | More Info