• Students compete in the UIL Academics meet in March for district and, if placing in the top three, will then advance to the regional meet in April. For students who place in the top three at regionals, they will advance to the state meet in May. (A fourth place finisher may attend the advancing meet as an alternative with the possibility to compete if a qualifier does not show.)

    Students interested in competing should contact that contest's coach (next to the event) and plan to spend time studying and preparing for their respective contest(s). Only students who have committed by the end of February and have been practicing with their respective coach(es) will be allowed to compete for that academic year. If a student is interested in a contest with no designated coach, the student should see Ms. Herbert.

    Academic UIL - Academic UIL - McCulloch Intermediate School ...

UIL Contest

Contest Name Coach
Accounting Open
Calculator Applications Open
Computer Science Open
Current Issues Lakisha Braxton
Copy Editing Nicole Herbert
Editorial Writing Nicole Herbert
Feature Writing Nicole Herbert
Headline Writing Nicole Herbert
Informative Speaking Tonya Naylor
Lincoln Douglas Debate Tonya Naylor
Literary Criticism Open
Mathematics Open
Number Sense Open
News Writing Nicole Herbert
Persuasive Speaking Tonya Naylor
Poetry Interpretation Tonya Naylor
Prose Interpretation Tonya Naylor
Ready Writing Open
Robotics Michael Ashleman
Science Michael Ashleman
Social Studies Open
Spelling and Vocabulary Open

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