
  • Yearbook I, II

    Students enrolled in Advanced Journalism/Yearbook, will communicate in a variety of forms for a variety of audiences and purposes. Students are expected to plan, draft, and complete written and/ or visual compositions on a regular basis, carefully examining their copy for clarity, engaging language and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of written English.

    Students will be able to understand:

    The student understands individual and staff responsibilities of coverage appropriate for the publications audience.

    The student understands journalistic ethics and standards and the responsibility to cover subjects of interest and importance to the audience.

    The student understands all aspects of a publication and the means by which that publication is created.

    The student produces publications for school purposes.

    The student demonstrates leadership and teamwork abilities.

  • Attention all Seniors and Parents: Senior Ad's are currently on sale for the 2016-17 school year. 

    Full Page- $150.00

    Half Page- $80.00

    Quarter Sheet- $45.00

    Business Card- $25.00

    If you would like to purchase a senior ad for the upcoming yearbook see Mrs. Edmond in Room#A206.

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