

Degrees and Certifications:

Currently, I am pursuing a Doctor of Education in Leadership and Learning with a specialization in Organizational Psychology Educational Specialist in Organizational Psychology (Ed.S.) Educational Leadership & Administration (M.Ed.) Curriculum and Instruction specialization in Reading (M.Ed.) Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (B.A) Certification: English Language Arts 4-8th, English Language Arts 8-12th, Special Education EC-12th, & ESL

Ms. Nauls

I am a lifelong learner! It's a wonderful mindset to have! Believing in lifelong learning is empowering—it keeps the mind engaged, open to new ideas, and adaptable to change. Everyone has the capacity to learn, and learning indeed happens at different paces and in various ways for people. The key is persistence and curiosity, which can help overcome any obstacles that might arise.   

 My question to you is what areas are you focusing on in your learning journey right now?

Besides being a lifelong learner, I have a passion for volunteering. Volunteering is such a powerful way to give back to the community and make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. It also enriches my own life by offering new perspectives and opportunities for growth. Whether it’s through helping people directly or supporting causes that are close to my heart, volunteering connects me with others in a way that deepens my understanding of the world.


What types of volunteer work do you feel most passionate about?


Favorite Season: Fall

Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving

Favorite quote:35 Sojourner Truth Quotes - Parade     

 Dog Mom: Nayla