• Drop Out Policy/ Withdrawals Guidelines

    Students who are withdrawn for an extended period of days, then return to re-enroll at their campus must show proof of enrollment in an educational program during their absence. When a student is absent from school, the student—upon arrival or within five school-days of returning to  school—must bring a note signed by the parents that describes the reason for the absence. A note signed by the student, even with the parent’s permission, will not be accepted unless the student is 18 or older or is an emancipated minor under state law. All notes must describe the reason for the absence and include the parent’s contact numbers. Parent notes may be sent by e-mail but must come from a parent’s verified e-mail account and be sent to the school’s daily attendance clerk. If the student fails to bring a note or the parent does not send an e-mail as required within the five school-day period, the absence will be coded as an unexcused and, will count against the student’s official attendance record. Note: Unless the absence is for a statutorily allowed reason under compulsory attendance laws, the District is not required to excuse any absence. Once coded as an unexcused absence, the coding will not be changed without the approval of a campus Principal.


    A student under the age of 18 may be withdrawn from school only by a parent. The school requests notice from the parents at least three days in advance so that records and documents may be prepared. The parent will obtain an intent to withdrawal form from the Principal’s office. A student who is 18 or older, who is married, or who has been declared by a court to be an emancipated minor may withdraw without parental signature. Students in grades 7 – 12 who are at risk of not graduating, or are enrolling in a non-traditional setting to earn  credit should meet with their School Counselor, Drop Out Completion Coach, and/or Administrator to discuss a completion plan. On the student’s last day, the withdrawal form must be presented to each teacher for current grade averages. Clearance must be obtained for the following items: textbooks, District-issued digital devices, equipment, and library books as recorded by the Librarian. The withdrawal form must also be seen by the nurse for health records, the school counselor for the latest report card and course clearance, and finally, by the Principal for signature. The parent/student will be given a withdrawal form, a student information report that includes grades, attendance, and test scores. High school students may also receive an unofficial copy of their transcripts.

    Here at WHS we always provide the opportunities to meet our vision, preparing every student for college or career in the workforce. We do this here at WHS by ensuring every student starts the new school year and is enrolled in an educational setting in order to achieve their high school diploma. As we begin the start of the new year and close the previous year's efforts, we begin our efforts by locating our “98s”(or students who have dropped out of school and have not re-enrolled in an educational setting) from the previous school year.