Degrees and Certifications:
Reverend George Jachimczyk
I'm Rev. George Jachimczyk, a teacher in the Social Studies Department.
I've been teaching for 19 years and this is my 5th full year at Willowridge. During these 19 years, I've taught English, Business Law, Geography, World History, US History, APUSH, Government, AP Government, Economics, Sociology and Psychology.
I live in Houston, TX with my cat, Balthazar.
In addition to my work as an Orthodox Christian clergyman, I have also worked in software consulting and training, accounting, and music before I came to teaching. To this day, past students still reach out to me for advice and emotional support.
Class Schedule
1st Period - Sociology
2nd Period - Sociology
3rd Period - World Geography
4th Period - Sociology
5th Period - World Geography
6th Period - Conference/PLC
7th Period - Sociology
8th Period - World Geography
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tuesday: 3:00 - 4:00 pm
If you need additional help, you can make an appointment for another day and time. Be sure to bring your questions and concerns for which you are seeking assistance so we can get right on it.
Deadlines are Important
Deadlines are important factors in life. We all have them, we all hate them, but we all have to deal with them. I hold to strict deadlines for assignments in my class because I feel it is something that life teaches us and we need to be prepared. While late work happens, we know that it eventually catches up with us and makes life more difficult. As a Social Studies teacher, I not only teach about the specific subject but also about social interactions and this includes learning to deal with deadlines.
The due date is when the assignment is actually due. Assignments turned in on the due date will receive full credit. Late assignments will lose 5 pts for each day after the due date up to 10 days late at which point the assignment will be locked and no longer accepted. If the student is absent the day an assignment is due, they can turn it in electronically. If they choose to wait until they return to school, the assignment will be considered late unless the absence is excused.
Late Work Policy
Late work will be accepted under the following guidelines. In keeping within the limits of the district policy, since 90% of assignments are collected through Schoology, students will be assessed a late penalty of 5pts for each calendar day they are late. Once a student is 10 days late, the grade will stop at 50. If the absence is an excused one, they will get full credit for work when they return if it is submitted within 3 days. Since most of our assignments are posted on Schoology, students have access to the assignments even if they are not in school. If your child has any questions about an assignment, they can email me at and I will reply to them during school hours.
An "Excused Absence" can be reported to the attendance office by sending an email to