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At the beginning of the school year, all athletes MUST BE PARTICIPATING in 7th/8th Thundercat Football in order to be enrolled in the grade level athletic class period. All prospective athletes wishing to participate in all other sports besides football must wait until each specific sport’s tryout sessions begins in order to be considered for enrollment into the grade level athletic period. All prospective football athletes must have all electronic forms completed and their CLEARED athletic physical forms turned into the Boys Athletic Coordinator prior to the beginning of the school year to ensure the prospective football athlete is fully enrolled in the athletic class period on the first day of school.
Electronic forms are required for all prospective athletes for the 2024-2025 school year. They can be competed on the Rank One Sports website beginning April 1, 2024. The participation forms can be accessed here via the Fort Bend ISD website in the “Athletics” section. Once on the Athletics page, Look to the left side for “Electronic Forms”. All forms must completed and signed by both the student and the parent.