Phone: 281.329.2849
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Educational Leadership W/principal certification (MEd) Microsoft Word Certified
Ms. Rachelle Harper
I am currently assigned as a CTE Middle school teacher at Ronald Thornton Middle School. I have over 25 years of experience teaching, in which 10 were a Middle School teacher. I began my career in Alief, where I taught 7th & 8th grade Math for 5 years prior to transferring to Hastings High School to teach Algebra. I then made the transition to Career & Technology Education (CTE) where I taught Principles of Business, Principles of Information Technology, and Principles of Arts Audio Video Technology & Communications for the past 15 years. I have also worked as an Adjunct Professor for Alvin Community College for over 5 years, where I taught Business courses such as: College Accounting, Word Processing, Business Communications, QuickBooks Accounting, and other business courses in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice System.
I am pleased to be part of Fort Bend's school system with the opportunity to teach high school credit courses in the middle schools. Teacher's Email
I am a proud alumnus of Texas Southern University, as well as the University of Houston Clear Lake.
Period 1 - Touch Systems Data Entry/Dollars & Sense (HS credit)
Period 2 - Touch Systems Data Entry/Dollars & Sense (HS credit)
Advisory - RTMS
Period 3 -
Period 4 - Career and College Exploration (HS credit)
Period 5 - Touch Systems Data Entry/Dollars & Sense (HS credit)
Period 6 - Touch Systems Data Entry/Dollars & Sense (HS credit)
Period 7 - Touch Systems Data Entry/Dollars & Sense (HS credit)
Tutorials: Before or after school by appointment only
All classwork will be completed during class and uploaded into Schoology following the teacher's instructions.
Instructions and submissions for ALL assignments are located in Schoology.
Important - Each student will receive a tutorial pass and must notify his/her parent(s) prior to staying for tutorials.
AM Tutorials
Monday: 7:50 am - 8:20 am
PM Tutorials
Tuesday: 4:20 pm - 4:50 pm
FBISD Useful Links
This is the official GRADE BOOK. Please periodically check your child's grades/attendance/tardies etc.
I use Schoology to upload instructions, share examples, grade assignments, and leave comments on submissions. All work must be submitted in this Schoology platform in order for it to be graded.