Teacher Information

Phone: 281-634-6871
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts; English, University of Houston GO COOGS! Secondary English/ESL Certification
Gladys Brown
Welcome to ELA 6! I have been teaching middle school ELA for thirty-two fabulous years, and I'm very excited about engaging my students in yet another year in the wonderful world of learning.
Each day, it is my intent to create and foster a love of reading, writing and a basic love of learning in general for all of my students. I strive to make each day and every class session not only an informative one, but also one that delivers fun and high-interest activities for my students.
I look forward to facilitating lessons based on collaborative learning, higher level thinking skills and discovery. In addition, I hope to create and maintain an environment in my classroom where students can comfortably work together to analyze their writing pieces, share their creations with confidence, proudly express their creativity and demonstrate a passionate love of ELA in general.
Another bit of information about me---I LOVE TO READ! Books are my "jam", and I'm determined to have my students love reading as much as I do. There's a book out there waiting to be loved and shared by each of my new Thundercats, and it will be my mission to help my ELA students find it. I encourage you as parents to join us in our ELA Reading Odyssey! :)
This will be a great year! I appreciate this awesome opportunity to teach your child. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your child's progress.
"What the child can do in cooperation today, he can do alone tomorrow." -Lev Semonovich Vygotsky
Teacher Schedule
First Period-ELA 6
Second Period-AAC ELA 6
Third Period-AAC ELA 6
Fourth Period-ELA 6
Fifth Period-AAC ELA 6
Sixth Period-Conference
Seventh Period-ELA 6
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Wednesday afternoons 4:15-5:00
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