RTMS Choir offers courses for all grades and skill levels under the direction of Mr. Jared Dees. Even if you think you cannot sing, choir will help you learn the techniques to find your best voice! We will have a variety of performances and activities throughout the year, including concerts at RTMS and Ridge Point HS, UIL Competitions/Contests, and a Holiday Movie Party!
Students will learn to read music and build their voices through proper vocal technique training while gaining leadership, critical thinking skills, communication skills and being part of a wonderful musical family.
We sing music from all different time periods and parts of the world, in many different languages. Students sometimes play Sight-Reading Baseball, Trashketball and other games to practice their theory and sight singing, and at times we have karaoke to build confidence, solo skills and proper audience etiquette!
Choir is a wonderful way for students to learn and grow while creating beautiful music and building amazing friendships.