

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Nena Moorer

Hello Students & Parents of Fort Bend ISD:

Welcome to a fantastic new school year at Ronald Thornton Middle School! 🎉

My name is Nena Moorer, and I am a Career & Technical Education (CTE) Teacher here at RTMS!  

Though I’m new to this amazing school, I am certainly not new to the Wonderful World of Education!  With 35 years of experience in molding young minds in the realms of technology and college & career readiness, I am thrilled to be a part of the FBISD community.  I can’t wait to embark on another exciting year of learning and growth together!  Let’s make this school year the best one yet!

Go Thunder Cats!

  • 1st Period:  CTE Off-Campus Instruction

    2nd Period:  CTE Off-Campus Instruction

    3rd Period:  Planning / Travel

    4th Period
    Teacher Conference

    5th Period
    College & Career Readiness

    6th Period
    College & Career Readiness

    7th Period
    College & Career Readiness



        4:30 - 5:00 p.m.