• Fight Song

    To the battle win today

    And fight for victory all the way

    We’re the cougars from kempner high

    We raise our colors

    Up to the sky

    Spirit honor boost our name

    And for the glory builds our fame

    We’re the cougars as u can see

    We’ll fight for victoryyyy


    Alma Mater

    Sing of spi-rit, Sing of Glo-ry,

    Songs of Vic-tory every sing.

    Raise our banners, colors flying,

    Honor al-ways bring,

    Proud of strength and proud of courage,

    Shout it to the sky,

    Our Al-ma Mater, here’s to you,

    To Kemp-ner, Kemp-ner High.

    We love you Kempner High!