Phone: 281-634-4340
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Arts, Spanish & Christianity Houston Christian University MDiv with Biblical Languages Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Current Studies: Doctor of Ministry - Youth, Family, & Culture Fuller Theological Seminary Spanish 6-12 ELA 7-12 ESL Supplemental
Mr. Brian Price
Brian Price is in his 19th year of teaching. This will be his 8th year at Kempner HS. He teaches Spanish II and co-coaches the Academic Decathlon. His education includes a BA in Christianity and Spanish from Houston Christian University and an MDiv with Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Currently, he is a doctoral student at Fuller Theological Seminary studying Youth, Family, and Culture.
A question he gets asked often is, "How did you learn Spanish?" Answer: he started officially studying Spanish in high school at the age of 14. At the age of 16 he began working in a Mexican restaurant called, "El Chico", which recently closed its doors after 44 years of being open. Thus, the combination of his daily high school studies with 6+ hours of work a day, 4-5 days a week as a busser/server opened the doors for him to major in Spanish in college and travel to various Hispanic countries.
Mr. Price has been married to his wife Maritza for 19 years. They were married on his maternal grandparent’s 55th wedding anniversary. Their honeymoon was spent in Puerto Rico where Maritza almost burned down the suite making empanadas! They have two kids - one a recent grad of Kempner and another who attends school in FBISD - and two rescue dogs: Mia and Cappuccino.
Technology, running, music, photography, traveling, coffee, and world cultures
Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico and Puerto Rico
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: Spanish IIPeriod 2: Spanish IIPeriod 3: ConferencePeriod 4: Spanish IIPeriod 5: Spanish IIPeriod 6: Spanish IIPeriod 7: Spanish II
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday: 2:55 – 3:25
Friday - by appt only