Phone: (281)634-2393
Degrees and Certifications:
M.Ed. Counseling / B.A. English
Ms. Dana Rhodes
Ms. Dana (pronounced Danna) Rhodes began her career in education at Garcia middle school in 2000 where she taught 8th grade ELA for four years. In 2004 she moved over to Kempner where she has taught English II Pre-AP, English III AP, English III, English IV, Practical Writing, AVID, and Dual Credit Psychology. (Current Classes)
She was born in Maryland but moved to Texas in her early years and attended Alief schools for grades five through twelve. She graduated from Elsik in 1982 and began attending Sam Houston State, but after a year she decided to return home and began working in a variety of different areas; food, retail, banking, etc.
In 1984 she joined the United States Air Force and in August of 1985 she began her ten years of active duty. She was stationed at several bases and had the opportunity to see many locations overseas including Greece, England (where she was stationed during the Gulf War), France, Belgium, Ireland, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Panama. In 1995 she separated from active duty and at that point she enlisted in the Texas Air National Guard and began at the University of Houston. She graduated with a BA in English and a minor in Psychology in May 1998. She then separated from the guard and obtained her Masters in Education/Counseling and teachers' certificate while employed with FBISD.
She loves learning, building relationships with students, and helping them succeed, and she feels blessed to have found her "calling," and strives to "Aim High" and make an impact.
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: English IIIPeriod 2: Dual Credit PsychologyPeriod 3: English IIIPeriod 4: English IIIPeriod 5: ConferencePeriod 6: English IIIPeriod 7: English III
Teacher Tutorials
Tutorials: I have a DAILY open-door policy in the morning, 7:00-7:30, with the exception of my duty day (Wednesday). All students are provided a pass at the beginning of the year so that they may come to see me before school, but if a student needs assistance at another time, they will make a request, and a time will be scheduled.