Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-6629
Degrees and Certifications:
Master of Arts in Spanish Language and Culture Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
Ms. Palmira Yárrito
She was born in Texas and raised in Mexico. She moved to the United States in 1990 and she had the opportunity to live in different Hispanic countries before settling in Texas. She has three children who all been part of FBISD. She enjoys traveling, going to the movies, running and meeting people from other cultures. She earned her degree of Bachelor of Arts at Monterrey, Mexico and her Masters Degree of Spanish Language and Culture in Salamanca, Spain. She knows at first hand what is to learn another language. She learned English and Portuguese later in life. For her it's very important to teach children about the different Spanish speaking cultures around the world. Understanding the language will help students understand the various cultures in Spanish speaking countries. Furthermore, exposure to foreign languages not only helps students develop their proficiency in their communication skills, but it also enhances their academic success in other subject areas.
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: SoccerPeriod 2: ConferencePeriod 3: Spanish IPeriod 4: Spanish IV APPeriod 5: Spanish III AACPeriod 6: Spanish IPeriod 7: Spanish III AAC
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tuesday 6:50-7:20 AMWendesday 2:50-3:20 PM