Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 634-1502
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science and Interdisciplinary Studies-Middle School Education Masters - Special Education with emphasis on Autism Spectrum Disorder Credentials: Generalist 4-8 Special Education EC-12 ESL EC-12
Mrs. Robyn Crowson-Wagner, M.Ed.
Mrs. Robyn Crowson-Wagner is very excited about being your child’s Functional Academics (English, Health, Communications for Adult Living and Social Studies) teacher in the SAILS, formerly known as LIFEskills Program. She is originally from Houston, Texas, and graduated from Cypress Creek High School in 1996. She has been working with students with autism and other special needs since 1997. While finishing her degree in education, she worked in CFISD and FBISD as a Paraeducator. The last year of her studies, she went into the private sector and worked at a private school for children with autism. In May 2009, she graduated from University of Houston-Victoria with a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies. Her major was Middle School Education and an additional certificate in Special Education. She also graduated in 2018 with a Master's in Special Education with an emphasis on Autism Spectrum Disorder from UHV. She is looking forward to an exciting year with your child and collaborating with you, her parents. She promises her students and their families to model and support daily success, share her enthusiasm for learning, and seek opportunities inside and outside the classroom that will help ensure student mastery and a love for learning. With your support, she expects this to be a great year. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact her during her conference, fourth period.
Schoology Page:
Teacher Schedule
Period 1: English 1 Alt , English 4 AltPeriod 2: English 2 Alt, English 3 Alt, and Government AltPeriod 3: Government AltPeriod 4: ConferencePeriod 5: US History AltPeriod 6: Reading 1 Alt, Reading 3 AltPeriod 7: World Geo Alt, World History Alt
Teacher Tutorial Schedule
Tuesday and Thursday
7:00 am - 7:30 am