• Hello P.I.T. Crew members and prospective members!

    This year has been an awesome PIT Crew experience. Due to the numerous event that are held at our campus there are not enough dates to do our usual PIT Crew tryouts during this year. If your child is a fourth or fifth grader in the 2019-20 school year I will have tryouts during the first two weeks of school, if they are interested. The tryout application will be available the first week of school. There are a few guidelines for you the parent and the prospective member to consider:

    1. If chosen, students must commit to the PIT Crew.  To be fair to other groups and students, they can not be a part of another extracurricular group of Anne Sullivan Elementary.
    2. If chosen, students must be willing to work hard and be held accountable as a student leader.
    3. If chosen, students must be willing to be on time to our 6:15am rehearsal on Tuesdays and Thursdays and come for sectionals (small group)  at 7:30am Mondays and Wednesdays. 
    4. Talk to your child about responsibility of achieving their goal and the growth that can occur from not achieving their goal. Not all children will make the group. 

    There will be more detailed information coming soon and in the application packet. These are the most important points. I look forward to seeing and hearing all those interested in trying out for the 2019-20 Percussion Intensive Training Crew.



    Dates: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (Friday optional small group 7:30 - 8:00 a.m.)

    Times: 6:15 – 8:00 a.m.

    Description: Learning and becoming performing musicians. Physical activity, playing instruments, leadership training.

    Requirements: Fourth and Fifth grade. Membership by audition of musical aptitude. No musical experience necessary. Be able to follow specific directions. Have a hunger for musical excellence.

    Sponsor: Devin Parker (Devin.Parker@fortbendisd.com)