Welcome to the Art department at Lake Olympia Middle School. We are excited to be your art teachers for the 2022-2023 school year. Your student may be taking one of the following courses:

    Art I

    This course is designed to enable students to develop their problem-solving and creative thinking skills while teaching them to perceive the world around them, interpret emotions through a variety of artistic media, and evaluate their own artwork as well as the work of other artists. Students explore basic elements of art and principles of design using a variety of media and techniques, concentrating on both traditional and contemporary.  Students may be required to purchase some materials (art kit or supply list). An art fee may be required in some instances. Sketchbooks are required.

    Art II

    Students continue to explore basic elements of art and principles of design using a variety of media and techniques.  Art appreciation and art history are basic to the course. Students work on honing their critical analysis skills and recreating traditional as well as contemporary works of art. Students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions. Students may be required to purchase some materials (art kit or supply list).  An art fee may be required in some instances. Sketchbooks are required.

    Art III

    Students continue to practice and apply the basic elements of art and principles of design. Students continue their progress with more advanced techniques, both traditional and contemporary, using a variety of media. Originality of work and creativity are stressed in order to develop the higher order thinking skills of evaluation, reasoning and justification. Students are encouraged to take creative risks, thus improving their self-concept through competency with techniques and various mark-making tools. Art appreciation and art history are basic to the course. Creating a portfolio of works, including a sketchbook, is required. Students will have the opportunity to participate in competitions. Students may be required to purchase some materials (art kit or supply list).  An art fee may be required in some instances. Sketchbooks are required.