Phone: 281-329-0007


Degrees and Certifications:

Lamar University – Master of Science in Nutrition Lamar University - Bachelor of Social Work, Minor of Criminal Justice Certification: Special Education (EC-12)

TeQuila Harrison

Hello, I am Ms. Harrison. I attended Lamar University and have a Master of Science in Nutrition from Lamar University. Additionally, I have a Bachelor of Social Work minoring in Criminal Justice.

This is my second-year teaching at Lake Olympia Middle School. It is a pleasure to be working as a 6th and 7th grade ELA Inclusion/ICS Teacher this 2024-2025 school year. I'm ecstatic to inspire the development and growth of young minds. It will be an amazing school year at Lake Olympia Middle School.

Teacher Schedule

  • 1st period: ARD Coverage
    2nd period: ICS
    3rd period: ICS
    4th period: Conference
    5th period: ICS
    6th period: ICS
    7th period: ICS

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • By Request